Letters from Roscoe

Letters from Roscoe

Howdy!  It’s me, Roscoe!  I found out that at least one person was reading these posts and getting something out of my story.  So I’ll continue to tell you about my journey to become a Christian in Training.  But first, let me ask:  Are you a Christian?
There’s an old saying; ‘You are the company you keep. So surround yourself with good people.’  unnamed

Once I decided to put my faith in Jesus Christ, without really realizing it, I began to take advantage of opportunities to surround myself with good people.  Christians. I began to get involved in activities with the Church.  Going on retreats,  participating in meal preparations.  Whenever I would place myself in an activity of doing something for others.  Cooking, washing dishes, it didn’t matter what the job was.  The end result was that I felt that I was filled with goodness.  I’d say that it was just that feeling of completing a task and just feeling satisfied that I had done it well.
But it was more than that.  It was the feeling of helping others, serving others.
To me, that was the feeling of a blessing from God.  Just a little touch to my heart as if to say, ‘This is the way I want you to go.’
So I am doing that.  I began to spend more time in fellowship with other Christians.  Watching them and looking for Christ in their actions.  I listened to their prayers in Sunday School and Church.  Through their actions I began to learn how to draw closer to Jesus.  I began to spend more time in prayer, asking God to help me find the path that will lead me closer to him.  I began to pray for others.
This Bible verse tells exactly what I am seeing … 2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT states “So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord.  And the Lord- who is the Spirit – makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”
So back to where I began.  Are you a Christian?
Are you surrounded by Christians?  Can you see the light of Christ reflected through them?
seeing-jesus-in-othersI am and I believe I can.  Seeing this reflection of Christ in others was the Holy Spirit guiding me along my path to become a Christian in Training.
In the Christians I see…
I see humility, a desire to help others, a true acceptance of God’s  will.  Purity of thought and action.  Constant worship and prayer.  I was able to see these things through my fellowship with other Christians.
Let me know what you think.

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