


What a really great morning it was today!  The Men’s breakfast was great!  Even though a couple of the regulars were missing (And we did miss you!) we were still blessed with fifteen Christian Men sitting down to fellowship by sharing a good breakfast, praising God with beautiful music and hearing his word delivered.

In his message today, Jim Best (With God’s help I’m sure . . .) managed to penetrate my thick skull with probably something very basic to you, but to me . . . I heard the trumpets blare, the flags unfurl and in the distance someone was probably shouting “TA-DAH!” or as my son would say, “TA-DAR!”

Okay, I may be exaggerating a little, but it was still a big thing to me.  Here’s why.

I used to despise hymn singing and praising God.  You know this.  You’ve read it in the stories I wrote at the start of this journey.  I hated doing that because I just couldn’t understand why a God needed to constantly hear how great He was.  What kind of a God was He that He needed to be worshipped and told constantly how powerful He was.

I was so mistaken.  I was so wrong.

Singing hymns and praising God is not an exercise of soothing His ego.  It is not a ritual to appease a God that is prideful and arrogant.

They are acts and messages of thanks to a GOD of HUMILITY.  He serves us!

We sing these songs, and give thanks to A GOD that is humble enough and loves US enough to help us, to watch over us and to bring our pitiable souls closer to him.  God is humble, He serves us more than we serve Him.  Remember what Jesus said,  “. . . just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  – Matthew 20:28 NIV


And then, Brothers Charles, Stephen and I sat down to discuss a project we are starting.  Remember the title to this letter?  Dominoes?

Would you like to know what the significance of that word is?

A few months ago, Stephen asked me to lunch.  We met, and had a pleasant lunch while we talked about our lives, about the Church and about God.  That was the first domino.   After that lunch, we started meeting every couple of weeks or so to continue our discussion.  We talked about this and that, and then one day Stephen brings up the subject of how young men today are so exposed to sin and how they are adrift without leadership.  ‘Click!’ Domino number two.

Now the dominoes are falling faster, we start discussing how a ministry could be formed, another domino . . . click.  We bring up the idea to the men at the Men’s Breakfast, ‘click’, ‘click’ . . . now Brother Charles is on board.  ‘Click’, ‘click’, ‘click’ the dominoes keep falling and now we’re talking to Brother Eddie about it.

And then BAM!  This morning we sit down and begin really discussing on how to get this new ministry up and running.  A Ministry of Discipleship.

Brother Charles is excited now, he’s throwing out ideas, information, concepts and past experience like a fireman with the big hose!  Steve is scribbling notes and nodding his head in understanding. 

Me?  I am excited, I am scared and I am overwhelmed all at the same time.  I have never done anything like this before!

I am scared that my faith is not enough and I know that my knowledge is not enough.

But God has made these dominoes fall.  One right after another, He has brought these two gentlemen and myself to this point.  I must trust in Him and embrace this idea with all my being for it is his will.  This I know.

More to come.

(Christian in Training)

One Comment

    Jeff DeHoogh

    Hey Roscoe,

    Enjoyed the book! It challenges me to step up to the higher purposes God has in mind for me. Please add me to your blog’s notification email distribution so I can pick up where the book left off.

    Blessings – Jeff

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