Letters from Roscoe

Letters from Roscoe

Why am I writing this?  For whose glory is it anyway?

Often since I became a Christian in Training and started writing this series of ‘Letters from Roscoe’,  I have had to ask myself ‘Who are you doing this for?’.   That thought always makes me stop and do some soul searching.

The answer is:  “I write this for HIM.”the_great_commission

I write this in the hope that YOU will read it.  I write it in the hope that YOU will think about it.  And finally, I write it in the hope that YOU will  share it with those you know who may also benefit from hearing about Jesus Christ.  Remember the great commission?  Jesus sent the apostles out to spread the ‘Good News’ to the world.  That commission did not end with them.  It carries on with us.  We need to carry his message out from Highland Park Baptist Church in both body, mind and spirit.

I write this for HIM in the hope that you will read it and ‘Share it’ on Facebook.  I write this for HIM in the hope that you will forward it in Email.  I write this for HIM in the hope that all of us will take that extra bit of risk upon ourselves to tell the world about our savior Jesus Christ in what ever way we can.  I do it on this website, and on Facebook and in a series of posts called ‘Letters from Roscoe’.

How do you spread the ‘Good News’?

As always, I am anxiously wanting to hear your voice.

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