Letters from Roscoe

Letters from Roscoe

One of the comments I received about my last post was this one:

“I love the letters from Roscoe and I have been blessed to witness the changes it has bestowed upon his new found life ,and while watching it has sparked an interest in myself and allowed me to seek out this new life as well so please please Roscoe don’t stop sharing ur journey with us allow us the glory to see just how much we all need god.”Share Jesus

Either I misspoke or you misunderstood my message; I am not going to stop!  I am asking for everyone to do their part and “Share” when you see a post that you believe in.  Pass the message to someone OUTSIDE of Highland Park Baptist Church.  Perhaps by sharing what goes on in the Church, we can capture the interest of other people that might come to find the Lord because of it!

Thank you for the comment!

Sincerely, Roscoe