Letters from Roscoe – Signs

Letters from Roscoe – Signs

I’m kinda big on signs.  There’s normal signs, and then there are GOD signs.

Let me tell you what I mean by that.  I believe that not only does He talk to you in your heart, I believe God talks to us through things in the world around us.  You’ve heard me talk about this before.  In fact there were some fortune cookies a few weeks ago that I believe had GOD written all over them.  But, I’ve already told you about them.One Way

Let me tell you about my latest.

Earlier this week, I was on my way to Nashville for a  Marine Survey on an old Navy Yard Patrol Boat.  I had gotten up at zero dark thirty, so that I could be on the boat by eight o’clock.  Since I was going to be the ‘student’ surveyor that day, I had to be there ‘With donuts’ too.  So it was still very dark when I hit the road, and having gotten to sleep later than I should have, I was still rather bleary eyed and wobbly as I stopped for more coffee somewhere between Crossville and Cookeville.

As I went into the store, I noticed that the place was pretty well deserted, and that the only employee was a young clerk that was busy stocking supplies and merchandise.  He smiled and said good morning and I responded in kind and headed direct to the coffee pot while he went into the back again.  Once I got my cup and secured a lid onto it, I went to the cash register to pay.  Thinking he was still in the back, I was surprised when he called out from the other side of the store; “It’s on me!  You know Pay It Forward!”  I asked if he was sure and he said yes.  I still felt reluctant to just leave so I left two dollars on the counter and headed to the car.

Now, here is where that sign thing comes in.

I walk to the car, open the door, and there laying in the seat is the Prayer Medallion that I carry in my pocket.  It says on one side, ‘Prayer is the Key to Heaven, Faith to Kneel builds Courage to Stand’ and on the other side several other key phrases, ‘Prayer is Power, Ask and it Shall be Given unto You.  Seek, and Ye Shall Find, Knock and it shall be Opened unto You.  Pray Always, Work Hard, Trust GOD.’

Very powerful messages.

The weight of that medallion in my pocket has always helped remind me to pray and it has helped to reassure me many times.  Now, I have replaced it a couple of times.  Once when I left one in a hotel room by mistake and another time, when I felt compelled to give it to someone whom I thought was in need of some spiritual strength at the time.  Now, here it is sitting in the seat, and this medallion has never fallen out of my pocket like that!  It’s just too heavy.  (I know!  I’ve had it drop on my toe before.)  Without skipping a beat, I snatched up the coin, walked back into the store where the clerk is standing there with my two dollars and a questioning look on his face.  “Why?”  You could just see it there.

I took the two dollars from his hand, and placed the medallion there instead .  I didn’t say anything that I can recall clearly..  I just handed it to him and left.  I feel that this was what I was ‘supposed’ to do.  I have no idea why, but I am sure that God knows.

Have you ever had something like this happen to you?  (By the way.  I just ordered two new medallions from Amazon.  They’ll be here Monday.)

As Dr. Frazier Crane would say, “The lines are open.”

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One Comment


    You felt moved (by the Holy Spirit) to give your prayer medallion to the clerk because if fell out of your pocket. I believe you did the right thing! I believe God does do things to move me in a certain direction because sometimes I am too foolish, scared or distracted to hear the “small, still voice” that should be telling me what to do. I think it goes back to helping build our faith in God. Sometimes we need a little extra push. But as our faith grows, so does our ability to see God in everything around us.

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