We are the Notes in God’s Symphony.  He arranges Us and . . .

We are the Notes in God’s Symphony.  He arranges Us and . . .

Thursday morning (June 29, 2017) I wrote a Roscoe letter titled “Lord I’m not a Preacher!”  You can read it at this link https://www.highlandparklc.com/lord-im-not-preacher/  that same afternoon, a close friend of mine who reads the Letters from Roscoe handed me this printed letter that he had written a few days earlier (June 26, 2017).  The last line was hand written.

I am sharing it with you as exactly as it was given to me in written form.

I awakened this Monday morning at 4:40 AM.  Wide awake with no hope of going back to sleep.  I have learned over the years when this takes place to arise and go to my word processor because something has entered my mind and will not be calmed until it is satiated with written word.  When I had written the following, I felt the urging of the Spirit saying “send this to Tip”.  I do not begin to suppose the purpose, only that obedience is required.  It may be in response to your next ‘blog’ which has not been written as of yet.

I only know that now I can return to bed and perhaps sleep.

Have you ever noticed how often people are so very willing to give us advice.  From this, I suppose, comes the saying, “Advice is free . . . and is usually worth what it costs you.”

We are bombarded with advice in our lives.  Commercials on TV advise us what soap to use.  Advertisements in magazines tell us which phone service is best for us.  Politicians advise us on which policy we need to follow.  Financial advisors tell us . . . well, after all they are ‘advisors’.

How can we know good advice from bad advice?  Most certainly in our lifetime we have been exposed to both!  Which is good and which is bad?  Can we truly know?  Is it even possible to know?

Well, since you asked! !

Let me give you some advice!

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.  James 1:5

I believe the key is ‘from whom does the advice come’.  Thus we can know!

Luke 6:43-45 provides the “fur sure”.  No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.  Each tree is recognized by its own fruit.  People do not pick figs from thorn bushes, or grapes from briars.  The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.  For our of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

“Maybe it just means we listen to our wives more.”

What do you think it means?

I thought it was directed to me as I wrote the letter on Thursday and ‘doubted’ my credibility to be writing such a letter.  But God knew I would doubt and God sent this letter to me by way of a reader to shore up both my faith in God and myself.

Am I off base?