Reality Check!

Reality Check!

Reality Check!


Hey everyone, I would just like to make a quick statement here.

The Letters from Roscoe series is nothing more than an entertaining look at one person’s personal experiences.  I share the moments in my life that I feel God wants other people to see. 

I do not profess to be a learned scholar, or teacher of any religious faith.  In fact, what I know about my own religion you could put in a gallon milk jug and still have room for over four quarts of milk.  I just want everyone to understand that I am not trying to be something I am not.  If I quote scripture it is as ‘I’ understand its meaning and it may or may not be correct.

Like everyone else; I am just a ‘Christian in Training’.



    We all need stories and/or experiences to share so others can relate, learn or try to understand.
    I love to hear your Roscoe stories.

      HPBC Author

      Thank you. Just wanting to make sure everyone understands that I am not a ‘teacher’.

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