'Christ' Tagged Posts

'Christ' Tagged Posts

Face to Face

Face to Face July 14, 2017 Read: Exodus 33:7–14 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.—Exodus 33:11 Although the world is connected electronically like never before, nothing beats time together in person. As we share and laugh together, we can often sense—almost unconsciously—the other person’s emotions by watching their facial movements. Those who love each other, whether family or friends, like to share with each other face to face. We see this face-to-face relationship between…

The Ultimate Good

The Ultimate Good From Our Daily Bread – July 7, 2017 Read: Philippians 3:1–11 I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.—Philippians 3:8 As I was growing up in Jamaica, my parents raised my sister and me to be “good people.” In our home, good meant obeying our parents, telling the truth, being successful in school and work, and going to church . . . at least Easter and Christmas. I imagine this definition of…