'Parenting' Tagged Posts

'Parenting' Tagged Posts

Responsibility of Family

Responsibility of Family By Billy Graham   •   January 27, 2017 Bless me and my family forever! —2 Samuel 7:29 (TLB) Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. It would be good if every home were Christian, but we know that it is not so. The family and the home can never exert their proper influence while ignoring the biblical standard. The Bible calls for discipline and a recognition of authority. If children do not…

Bridge the Gap

Bridge the Gap By Billy Graham   •   November 19, 2016 Keep a close watch on all you do and think. Stay true to what is right . . . —1 Timothy 4:16 (TLB) In searching for ways to bridge the generation gap, there is no doubt that we, as parents, will have to practice what we preach, by striving more and more to bring our conduct into line with our code of beliefs. No mother can demand that her daughter…