'Religions' Tagged Posts

'Religions' Tagged Posts

The Spiritual Realm

The Spiritual Realm By Billy Graham   •   December 20, 2016 He was zealous for my sake . . . —Numbers 25:11 It is strange that the world accepts enthusiasm in every realm but the spiritual. The world appreciates and understands emotion and enthusiasm, until it becomes a religious fervor—then immediately it is suspect. When you bring a grand and glorious abandon to your dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ, you are thought by many of your neighbors to be mad,…

The Eternal Fact

The Eternal Fact By Billy Graham   •   August 9, 2016 And all who trust him—God’s Son—to save them have eternal life . . . —John 3:36 (TLB) Currently, Christianity is being compared with other religions as never before. Some so-called Christian leaders even advocate the working out of a system of morals, ethics, and religion that would bring together all the religions of the world. It cannot be done. Jesus Christ is unique. Why insist on the uniqueness of Christ?…