'Satan' Tagged Posts

'Satan' Tagged Posts

Giving in to Jesus

Giving in to Jesus From Our Daily Bread – July 11, 2017 Read: James 4:6–10 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.—Romans 6:11 They call it “The Devil’s Footprint.” It’s a foot-shaped impression in the granite on a hill beside a church in Ipswich, Massachusetts. According to local legend the “footprint” happened one fall day in 1740, when the evangelist George Whitefield preached so powerfully that the devil leaped from the church steeple,…

The Enemy Deceives Us

The Enemy Deceives Us By Billy Graham   •   February 22, 2017 In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. —Ephesians 6:16 (TLB) Many jokes are made about the devil, but the devil is no joke. If a short time ago I had talked about Satan to university students, they would have made light of him, but no longer. Students today want to know about the devil, about witchcraft,…

Satan at Work

Satan at Work By Billy Graham   •   November 29, 2016 In whom we have redemption . . . the forgiveness of sins. —Ephesians 1:7 Satan is at work in our world. The Bible is my authority. He exists and he has control over thousands of young people, whose hearts have never been captured by Jesus Christ. He has hundreds of agents writing pornographic literature and producing sex movies to pollute young minds. He has intellectuals in high positions teaching a…

Our Defeated Foe

Our Defeated Foe By Billy Graham   •   October 1, 2016 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword . . . —Hebrews 4:12 How do we overcome the devil in everyday life? First, we need to recognize that the devil is a defeated foe. The Son of God came to undo the work of the devil. The crucifixion of Christ, which looked like a mighty victory for Satan, turned out to be a…