The Letters from Roscoe

The Letters from Roscoe


So very sorry for there not being a Facebook Live video of the singing and Jim Best’s message at the Men’s Prayer Breakfast this morning!

It was all my fault but if I look for God in what happened it makes sense.

I woke up this morning at 4:00 AM.  I had the alarm set for 4:45 AM and I tried to go back to sleep.  But, I just couldn’t do it so I got out of bed early and started getting ready to go to the Church.  As I dressed, I placed my cell phone in the back pocket of my jeans and then went to the bathroom to shave and brush my teeth.  On the way out the door as I was putting on my jacket I stopped and stuffed an orange into each pocket.  I hopped in the truck and began my drive to the Church.  Along the way I started feeling around in my pockets for my cell phone and could not find it.  Knowing that I had somehow left it at home I felt bad, but it was too late for me to turn around and go back to get it because Pat Ireland was going to meet me at Church and help cook.  


Anyway, on to Church I went and once inside the building I noticed that now I only had one orange.  The other one must have fallen out in the truck.  So back out to the truck, open the door and sure enough, there’s the missing orange on the right side of the driver’s seat up against the side of the console.  I grabbed the orange and went back inside.

Still didn’t have a phone and that meant I wouldn’t be able to Facebook Live the singing and the message.  (Sorry! Wanda Limburg!  Dwight Cusick told me that you like to watch the singing on Saturday Mornings!)

But here’s where I look for God in this. 

The singing was exceptionally good this morning, and the message was really good.  If I had been videoing this morning, chances are I would have been distracted and would not have heard the message or felt the singing the way I did.  I do wish I could recite it all to you because it was really spot on and direct to the heart.  But alas, a good memory is not one of my strong suits . . .

Then you take into account that Pat Ireland was there to help cook, as was Lowell Girbert and my good friend Ray Purkey it was just a great morning of fellowship and time spent in worship of an all-powerful God.

After it was all over, the dishes were done and the kitchen had been cleaned, I walked back out to my truck, opened the door and there on the right side of the seat, leaning up against the console in plain sight was my cell phone.  How I didn’t see it when I grabbed that orange I can only explain by saying God wanted ME to pay attention this morning and to hear the message!