The Steady Eddie

The Steady Eddie

The Steady Eddie

4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all.  5  There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord.  6 God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.
– 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 NLT


When I was a working person, the previous management regime where I worked had several terms that they used to describe people and their performance.  There were ‘Head Poppers’, ‘Foot Draggers’ and the ‘Steady Eddie’s’.

Here’s how it worked.

This “Boss” would draw a diagonal line on the chalkboard and then draw a bunch of little circles above the line, some on the line and another bunch of circles below the line.  He would label the circles above the line – ‘Head Poppers’ those were the ones doing outstanding work, bucking for a raise, hoping to draw all of the attention and the recognition.  The ‘Head Poppers’ resented the others because they took attention away from them.  The little circles below the line were the ‘Foot Draggers’ – they were the ones that were just barely making the grade and doing their best to avoid the spotlight lest someone actually see the contribution they were making.  They were resentful of the’Head Poppers’.

Anybody running along the line itself was called a ‘Steady Eddie’.

Now being a ‘Steady Eddie’, certainly was not a bad thing.  In fact it was probably the best.  The Steady Eddie was the hard worker.  He understood where the Company and his boss wanted to go and he did his best to help them get there.  ‘Head Popper’ or ‘Foot Dragger’ the ’Steady Eddie’ doesn’t care.  He was a team player he cared as much for his fellow workers as he did for the company he was working for (probably more to tell the truth).  He would never stab his co-worker in the back to get ahead, and if the team was in trouble, he would go down with the ship if that was what was needed. 

What has this corporate hierarchy got to do with you and me?  Let’s think about it.

If God has drawn the diagonal line; where are our own little circles going to be?  Don’t be too quick to draw your little chalk representation of yourself.  Think about it and be honest, because there is one who already knows where your circle should be drawn.

Speaking for myself; I would be happy to be drawn in as a ‘Steady Eddie!’

To be a ‘Steady Eddie’ means I am loyal to the Lord.  It means I love my brothers and sisters.  I have compassion for others.  It means that I am consistent and dedicated to pleasing the Lord.

Oh yes.  I would be very happy to be a little circle on the line leading to the Lord.

By the way, the term ‘Steady Eddie’ is purely coincidental and has no direct link to our own “Steady Eddie’ – Brother Eddie Click!