The Testimony of a Church

The Testimony of a Church



My father’s name is Jim White and we were originally from Atlanta, Georgia but we moved several times while I was a child.  It was when I was in the 8th grade that he purchased Jim White Chevrolet. He would take me to the Knoxville Rescue Mission at Christmas where I would read the Christmas story or maybe sing to all the homeless.  He taught Sunday School and also sang in a quartet when he was young.

Every night after supper the two of us would sit at the piano and we would sing gospel songs.  He was a good Christian man.  He kept us in church and set a wonderful Christian example for us to follow.

When I was 10, I attended VBS at my church and accepted Jesus as my Savior.

The day I was to be baptized I was standing in line with at least 15 other people.  We were inside the Church and I was standing next to a window.  I remember looking out and seeing the lightning flashing and hearing the wind as the storm raged.  It made me shiver!  It made me think about the devil and how he can create storms in my life.  Little did I know how many storms and trials I would face in my future that would take me away from the Lord!

I married a great Christian man too.

However during the first 15 years of our marriage, I was not living like Jesus expected me to live; that meant living right as He was my king. Instead, I was living my life for Cynthia. I acted the role of a Christian on the outside but inside . . . I knew my life was not where it should be and I felt the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart to return to my Savior.

So I rededicated my life and was re-baptized along with my son, Tyler.  This time, I made sure I was living right and that Jesus was the King of my life and I continually feel His presence in my life.

Every day I go to His Word for guidance, peace, and knowledge.  I have that ‘blessed assurance’ now.

In the past 15 years I feel my life has grown spiritually and I am so much closer to the Lord. I am a teacher, a singer, and a sinner.  I am also a saved and forgiven child of the Lord. We will never be perfect in this world but I have His promise of a glorious eternal home with my sins forgiven and unspeakable joy.

We have been blessed to see our son complete his Doctorate of Theology and he is currently a Senior Pastor in North Carolina.

God is good.