The Testimony of a Church

The Testimony of a Church

Your Story

Howdy everyone!

I hope you are all doing well and that you are working on your testimonies.  I’ve received several and I hope that there are many more to come.

I’ve told you before how the Lord asked me to accomplish this task and I will continue to work at it in ways that don’t seem like nagging (I hope!).  For example, today I was reminded about this when I received an email from Our Daily Bread.  They too understand how much ‘Power’ is in a testimony and they are asking for people to share theirs so they can share them with the world.

When I saw this the thought occurred to me that perhaps some of you might feel uncomfortable with sharing your story in our small Church directly.  So here is a way for you to share your story and remain completely anonymous.  If you are interested in doing that, you can go to this link and share your story today!

It is MY prayer though that you will contribute your testimony to be included in ‘The Testimony of a Church’ by Highland Park Baptist Church, Lenoir City, Tennessee.

You know, your story may not be some grand epistle but, it is your story and you should want to share it.  If you have been saved by Grace you should be shouting it from the rooftops!  Maybe your story doesn’t speak about how you were saved.  Maybe God worked a miracle in your life that you can share to glorify Him!  Talk it over with Jesus and then follow his lead.

If you do want to tell your story, don’t worry about writing or grammar skills.  (I ain’t got none either.  I nearly failed English in High School. I tell you Mrs. Lucas would have a cow if she knew that I was writing now!)

I will help you tell your story in any way possible.  I can meet you after Church one day and we can sit and talk.  I can record your story while you tell it to me and then write it for you.  (Of course, I will ask you to review and approve it before it is published though!)

Please don’t let that old devil ‘fear’ keep you from telling how great it has been to have God in your life.


Your friend in Christ and a fellow Christian in Training,


PS:  Hey Troy Purkey!  Do you know what kind of birds stick together?  Vel-crows!  (Hey!!! Blame it on Jarred Jackson!  He told it to me first!)