The Testimony of a Church – Jasper

The Testimony of a Church – Jasper

The Testimony of Jasper Milliken

My parents always took me to Church.  When I was twelve years old I knew that something was missing in my life.  After talking with my Sunday School teacher and my parents I decided to give my life to Jesus.  Brother Lashbrook was our preacher and I walked the aisle to the front of the Church one Sunday morning and he talked with me about the change in my life.

At that time I had a paper route and walked it each morning and afternoon.  I had a good friend and he helped me in the mornings.  After I gave my life to Jesus I was so excited I wanted to tell someone.

I told my friend how I had given my life to Jesus and the great feeling I had and asked him if he wanted to do the same.  He said yes and we prayed and the feeling I had then was even greater than when I gave my own life to Jesus.