What Difference would it Make?

What Difference would it Make?

What Difference would it Make?

Howdy.  Roscoe here and I have my ‘Christian in Training’ hat on.  I am just trying to work my way through some things.  Hopefully, my out loud thinking will strike a chord with someone else as well.

This morning, I was watching a music video by Clay Aikens singing ‘Mary, Did You Know?’  The video showed images of Christ performing miracles and being crucified.  For some reason the thought occurred to me; that if the archaeologists ever found the actual site of the crucifixion or if they ever determined that the Shroud of Turin was indeed the burial shroud of Christ:

What difference would it make?

Sure, it would confirm that Christ the man had existed and that he had been crucified but would any more people accept Christ because of this ‘new’ fact?  Or would they continue to be non-believers?  Most likely.  Only now, they would take the stance that yes, he was here, but can you prove to me that he performed these miracles?  Can you prove to me that he was the SON OF GOD?  They will ask.


There is no scientific evidence that Christ was the Son of God.  Nor will there ever be!  There is no DNA test nor is there a paternity test available that will show that he is THE SON.  There will never be sufficient evidence to convince a non-believer who is not willing to take that first step towards God.

They have to take that first step, to accept it as a matter of ‘faith’.

To prepare for that step, one must first admit that as a human being, we are nothing and we know nothing.  The extent of all knowledge known by the human race is insignificant when compared against the vast universe that God has created.  No matter how smart Man believes himself to be, we are but infants when compared to God.  All of the math, all of the science that we know today is man’s knowledge!  Yes.  What we have learned so far is important but it is still limited to our own experiences and understanding.  We have not even really stepped off of our own planet!  Yet we act like we already know everything and that there are no surprises left to learn.  This is just not the case!

The person who believes in science more than God should take just two minutes and watch this video.

Did you watch it?  Do you get it?  God is infinite, there are no laws that we know that affect God, because God exists all around us and yet is outside of the Universe we know. To begin to perceive and understand that relationship; we must suppress our arrogance.  Only then can we learn that we are surrounded by the creations of God.

You just have to believe.  You just have to take that first step.  When you do that know that you are also opening yourself to God.  Let him in and you will be rewarded with both knowledge and peace.  The peace that can only come from one source.  Certainty.  Obtaining that peace silenced a war that was going on inside of me.  The same war that was raging inside of me when I came to Highland Park.

Although I still do not have enough brains to connect the dots as to WHY a final blood sacrifice was needed, I am certain that God will enlighten me in his own way and time.

But this I know.  I personally refuse to submit to the idea that I was born, that I will live this life until I die and then it will all be over.  That nothing more will come after, nor will anything meaningful ever come of my life.

I will not accept that.  There is a purpose to MY life!  No matter what may happen to me after death, my purpose here and now is to love others, to help others where I can, and to try to be a positive impact to everyone in my family, to everyone I encounter in my life.  To do this, I will live by God’s Eleven Commandments and will always have faith that God is both my Lord and Savior.

Why eleven and not ten?  Remember this verse?

And Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” – John 13:34 KJV

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If you would like to read more of the ‘Letters from Roscoe series’ they are available at this link:  https://www.highlandparklc.com/category/letters-from-roscoe/